Mass this morning was lovely. I had not been aware that instead of travelling all the way into town, there was a church right at the end of the park that is across the street from my home. St. Gertrude's Catholic Church, Purley. It was a nice walk along the side of the park and playground, where children played before going in for mass. I had learnt from Mark, Alban's brother that in most churches here in the UK, only one mass is sung and the rest, recited. And I found out that at St. Gertrude's, the Sunday 10 am mass was a Family Mass (sung) - as stated in its website.
There were no organs, but there was a choir, a flutist and a guitarist. The choir was fantastic, and the entire music ensemble sat on the upper deck in the church, filling the church with wonderful magical music throughout mass.
I only stumbled upon this church, when I was out to get some food for dinner on Saturday evening. I wasn't feeling very well then, with lots of things going through my mind. But praise the Lord. Gene alarmed me when he said "Look, a Catholic church!!" My spirits immediately lifted and I truly felt then, that it was the Lord's will that had brought me to this place.
His plan, His arrangement. It was true, I had many other choices of places to live in, to look at, to view and select. But I had made a hasty, impulsive decision in my head somehow to pick this one, and justifying my decision by consulting various adults that I was doing the right thing. And of course, they all know that once I had my mind set, they might as well support me.
Given the fact of course, that I also had some wonderful people who were already in the UK to check this place out for me, making sure the people I was going to live with were decent and nice. The only concern they had, was the size of the room - which I have come to like. It is after all, my own litte personal space, and I am not claustrophobic. A bigger room might have felt empty and knowing me, loneliness might loom over me causing me to have bigger issues later on.
God works in mysterious ways, and He will make a way that's best for us, even when you least expect it. Praise and thank the Lord, Alleluia...