Thursday, June 19, 2008

More weird stuff...

Then there's this place that sells vitamin water... the entire shop is filled with coloured water bottles...this is a picture from outside the window... it's so weird I don't dare go in...

1) The pink coloured one - It's called "power-c": dragonfruit (c +b's) - helps you beat your granny in an arm "something"...

2) The orange coloured one - It's called "essential": orange-orange (c + calcium) - kick morningitus into touch

3) The yellow coloured one - It's called "spark": tropical fruits (b + guarana) - spank the backside of life

4) The semi-transparent coloured one - It's called "multi-v": lemonade (b-zinc) - more vitamins than you can shake a stick?

5) The purple coloured one - It's called "revive": fruit punch (b + potassium) - wake up like last night never happened

6) The red coloured one - It's called "defence": raspberry - apple (c + zinc) - keeps you perk....something...:P

That's what I got from the pic:)


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