Monday, December 22, 2008

How foolish could I be

How foolish could I be

I closed the door behind me

And found myself facing a wall

A wall of concrete that is not breaking

Not breaking through for me to see

I turn around and the door is gone

My heart sinks in sorrow and regret

I miss the beautiful trees

I miss the erupting volcano

Knocking on the cold, hard, concrete wall

I am trapped

I hit the wall hard with my fists

I plead it to let me see the other side

Bits crumble in my hand

Broken bits, blood on my hands

Tears on my cheeks

The wall is unmoving

I miss the beautiful trees

The moving beautiful trees

It is the only way I know how

And I wish it wasn't

How foolish could I be


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if there's a wall... walk alongside it for a while and sooner or later there will be a window, or door or an opening. Things will clear, and there are always paths forward, so don't try to go through the wall, go around it! :)

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo... things don't seem to be well with you. Anyways I just wanted to say that you know how to get in touch with me if you want a shoulder to cry on.

Meanwhile do take care of yourself yup.

8:45 AM  

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