Last Thursday, the guys took the day off, and I was not working anyway... so we woke up super early, and took the 7:30 morning bus and tram ride to Wimbledon...

This is just walking towards goodness knows where after we got off the cab...

Ah, the queue...

So many people sitting in lines already???

Omg, yes... and we joined them... I think some of them camped here overnight?? We were like in the fifth zig zag in the queue or something...

Robin, me, Dennis

Robin, Andy, Dennis with their queue cards and beer...

The sun was super hot, and we were all roasting... we wore our jackets not because it was cold, but because the sun was scorching HOT on our skin!!

Ahh....guess who's bored?

I did not do this... please do not sue me...

We finally get to walk towards the gates...yippee!! We're moving, we're moving...

First glimpse from outside the gates...

Then we had to go through security checks like at the airport, get our tickets...

and WE'RE IN!!!!!!

Board says who plays who and where... I just followed the guys. They already knew where they wanted to go...

This is court number 19...

We went into Court No.18 to watch Ladies Singles Miss V. Zvonareva vs Miss T. Tanasugarn. The guys patiently explained how the game works... it was my first time to watch a tennis match, and I had no idea how the points and everything else works... Dennis explained the best...He's a great teacher:)

View from our seats, we can also see Court No. 19 because we are sitting high up...

Very hungry, so got burger and chips before the game started...

Watching my first ever live tennis match begin...

That is Miss V.Zvonareva serving... she's quite LCLY...:)

The umpire and photographers...

The audience inside and outside the court...

Hmmm, some tennis fanatic with tennis balls stuck all over his cap...

Miss V. Zvonareva from Russia

Miss T. Tanasugarn from Thailand - she played really well. She got injured, but played on with awesome passion and good spirits....Miss V. Zvonareva was pretty ill- temepered, saw her hitting her own head with her tennis racquet... quite scary.

Game over, Miss T. Tanasugarn won!! Hurrah for the woman!!! Too bad for Mss LCLY:)

We walked around a bit, and took a break...

Had super yummy strawberries and cream, Andy says they are not to be missed at Wimbledons... and yes, they're yummy yum...

Watched gentlemen singles next... it was Cilic from Croatia vs Nieminen from Finland...
There was a bunch of gentlemen dressed up in business coats and all, cheering for Nieminen throughout the game... YAKORRRR!!! YAKORRR!!! OI OI OI!!!! (It was actually Jarkko, his name...:P)

This is Cilic...

This is YAKKORRR!!! OI OI OI!!! His skills were amazing, when he played, it looked like he was flying from place to place... amazing amazing...

For all of us who couldn't get into the centre court (because we only got £20 tickets), and IF you want to watch what's in the centre court, you can sit on the grass and watch a BIG screen. Duhh... better off sitting at home watching TV then.... that's Maria Sharapova on the screen by the way:)

We went back to Court No.18 to wait to watch the William sisters, but the sisters weren't playing yet... it was Stepanek (Czech Republic) vs Troicki (Serbia)

Troicki was injured at the ankle, but he kept on playing... they really go all out!! He removed his entire ankle support and wrap and played on till the end...

Mr. Radek Stepanek from Czech Republic

Next up, not the William sisters yet... it was Paul-Henri Mathieu vs Jeremy Chardy, both from France...

Chardy getting ready....

The tough competition begins...I'm on Mathieu's side:)

Mathieu preparing to serve... he's really very very good...
The weather started getting really chilly, and it started to rain. The William sisters got moved to another court, so we didn't manage to see them after all. We got the tram back to Croydon again, had some Indian dinner, and ran home in the rain...A truly eventful, one of its own, maybe the only once in my lifetime - live Wimbledon Championships... I am very fortunate and grateful that I had the opportunity to be there...
I'm just curious, how did you get the close-up shots of the courts and players? Since you mentioned your seat was rather high? :)
haha, my jie fu asked me the same thing:) digital camera can zoom in A LOT ma:) we couldn't see the names of the players, so we zoomed into the name board, took picture... then read the names:)
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